Rain or Shine Open every Saturday & Bank Holiday Monday
NEXT MARKET Saturday 26th October

Market Rules and Regulations

Market Rules and Regulations

Join us for a family fun day out with great shopping, prices, variety and atmosphere
  • A Manager’s decision is final in all matters and they can remove any trader at their own discretion.
  • You must agree to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Legislation and our HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY  which is available from our Manager. You must work in a safe way and minimise all the risks from any hazards.
  • You must comply with our EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICY which is available from our Manager. You must ensure that none of your staff or customers are disadvantaged because of any physical or mental characteristics they may have. However, the ability to communicate in English is very important.
  • You must comply with the Environmental Protection Legislation and our ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY which is available from our Manager. You must keep your pitch clean and tidy and use the waste containers provided and we encourage you to recycle.
  • You must complete an Application Form on this website and provide either passport or a Drivers license ID with a current photo and always pay on time.
  • You must tell us if your personal details change or if you do not want us to tell you about other Markets.
  • You must always pay on time.
  • Our GDPR principles
    we will process all personal data fairly and lawfully
    we will only process personal data for specified and lawful purposes
    we will endeavour to hold relevant and accurate personal data, and where practical, we will keep it up to date
    we will not keep personal data for longer than is necessary
    we will keep all personal data secure
    we will endeavour to ensure that personal data is not transferred.
  • You must have Public Liability Insurance. In the event of an incident you could be held responsible and your insurance company would deal with any claim. Please call one of the companies below, prices start from approx £50 for the year:

Combined Market Traders Insurance – 020 8554 5273 ( offer a quote over the phone)

LRO – 020 7347 5160 (Apply online where you can get a one day policy for approx £10)

GM Imber – 01342 327 250  (offer varying levels of insurance starting at £50)

National Market Traders Federation – 01226 749 021 ( To become part of the traders federation)

  • Only Traders with a licence that has been verified by the management are permitted to sell Alcohol
  • A pitch will be available, as far as we are able, so long as the fee is up to date. You cannot sub-let your pitch. We may allow you to sell the goodwill of your pitch provided you have paid the appropriate transfer fee.
  • We may let any stall unoccupied after 07.30am on the Market day to a casual trader. Traders’ vehicles must be removed from the public areas of the Market by 08.30am and parked in the designated area. You must occupy you pitch during trading hours.
  • Traders must keep their stalls clean and tidy at all times and dispose of their own rubbish.
  • You must abide by the Market Shoppers Charter below:-
  • If you sell high value goods, you may have to pay a Bond, the balance of which we will refund four weeks after you have left the Market.
  • You must only sell items for which you have permission for and you are responsible for the trading on your stall. We do not allow the sale of weapons, laser pens, fireworks or counterfeit goods. You must not prevent the detection of counterfeit offences or hide counterfeit goods.
  • You must not use amplified sound or take more space than you pay for without the Manager’s express permission. You must keep within the designated stall area at all times.
  • You must pay for any electricity that we supply (if available). Generators can be used with the Manager’s express permission and petrol must be stored safely in sealed, purpose made containers.
  • We will prosecute anyone who steals our property. You must not alter, erect, dismantle or abuse our property in any way. We are not responsible for any losses or damage that you incur whatsoever.
  • When you stop trading with us anything you leave at our Markets will be disposed of after seven days.

These rules apply until further notice and can only be altered by a member of The Platt Group.